Have you ever wondered, where dose plastic really go?
It all stars with our litter, it only takes one person, to destroy an eco system, to take a life, are you that persons who litters and uses unnecessary plastic? Or do you just stand by and watch?
Around the world, it is estimated that one million birds and over one hundred thousand marine animals die each year. Why? Because of getting stuck in plastic or eat it, perhaps mistaking the plastic for a tasty treat.
Plastic is one of the biggest threats to all birds and marine life occurring throughout the world's oceans today.
There are 46 thousand pieces of plastic in every square meter of the ocean.
It is predicted that in 81 years the ocean will be un safe to swim in.
Every second there are 100 and 60 thousand plastic bags that end up in our environment, and even end up in the stomachs of our oceans marine life.
It can take anywhere between 20-1000 years for a plastic bag to break up and when I say they break up I mean they don’t break down, they break up into smaller and smaller pieces and these tiny pieces become toxic waste in our oceans.
Do you care about all those astonishing marine animals dying one after the other because of us lazy, uncaring humans destroying the planet?
The greatest threat to our planet is that someone else will save it. This is not ok, We have got to change our attitude and approach to our environment in a completely different way.
Every day there are new and improved versions of everything, well why not a new and improved version of planet Earth? We seem to develop new phones that get better and better every year, new iPads to get better and better every year, technology gets better and better by the second, But why not earth? Why not our planet? Why doesn’t that get better and better? In fact our planet is getting worse and worse.
People are aware of climate change but do they really know what it is?
Climate is not weather, Because weather changes daily. Climate change is the earths temperature increasing over a long period of time.
Some people including me when I first found out about climate change I thought awesome, this is a great, More nice sunny days, More going to the beach, won’t be cold any more, but what actually is climate change?
As the climate warms, it changes the nature of global rainfall, snow, stream flow, water supply and water quality along with movement of the tectonic plates, water rises and water and air pollution. It is predicted that in only a few years there will no longer be any habitat for poler bares, snow leopards, penguins, seals and other marine animals that require a cold climate to survive. This is all caused by climate change.
There is no planet B. So stop and think am I really doing my best to keep our planet alive? Be apart of the solution not part of the pollution.
By Alannah Fitzgerald.